Instructional Design Work

Instructional Video and Animation

Introduction to Ladder Safety

Introduction to Ladder Safety

The Post-Mortem: Turning Hindsight into Foresight

The Post-Mortem: Turning Hindsight into Foresight

Software Concepts – Workday

Position Management in Workday

Position Management in Workday

Process & Roles in Workday

Process & Roles in Workday

The Approval Process

The Approval Process

Instructional Design – Needs Analysis, Design, and Evaluation

Analysis and Design: Stereoscopic Imaging using DAZ Studio

Analysis and Design: Stereoscopic Imaging using DAZ Studio

Evaluation Document: Exam Review and Feedback Tool

Evaluation Document: Exam Review and Feedback Tool

Instructional Print Media Design

Comic: The Language of Safety

Comic: The Language of Safety

Comic: Dogstix

Comic: Dogstix

Safety Posters

Safety Posters